Oklahoma Fellowship The Pursuit Of...
Oklahoma Professional Photographers Fellowship Program Outline
"Download a current form via this link"
The Fellowship Program is a means of recognizing those who have served the membership of the Oklahoma Professional Photographers Association and given freely of their time. It also encourages those in membership, who are always willing to help, to continue to do so. The Fellowship Degree is divided into three segments:
The Associate Fellowship (white ribbon) requires 30 points.
This award can be given to Active, Active Senior, Associate or Life members.
The Fellowship (black ribbon) requires 50 points.
This award can be given to Active, Active Senior, Associate or Life members.
The Grand Fellowship (red ribbon) requires 100 points.
This award can be given to Active, Active Senior, Associate or Life members.
For every 25 points over the Grand Fellowship, a gold bar shall be issued.
The Fellowship Program was introduced by Past President Sam Hyden, M. Photog.
It will be your responsibility to list any service or prints you would like credited toward your Fellowship Award. All entries are subject to fellowship guidelines. Credit for your entries will be verified by the Fellowship Chairman. The Fellowship Committee will have final authority when crediting entries to your records. The form should be submitted by Dec. 31st of the same year the points were earned.
If you need to submit a back form for any year 2017 or earlier, use the following form:
Download a 2008-2017 Form here for prior year filings
The Fellowship Chairman is:
Cary Garrison ~~405-341-0734
or mail your completed form to: Michael Scalf Sr
PPOK @ P.O. Box 1779, Blanchard, OK 73010