The 2019 PhotoEXPAND Spring Seminar will be held at The Campbell Hotel & Renaissance Square located at 2636 East 11th St in Tulsa, OK 74104.
This facility is an extremely unique hotel and meeting room. Each hotel room's decor is unique and themed differently. They have provided PPOK a special discounted room rate of $129.00 for this event. This special rate can be applied to both Friday night, March 22nd and Saturday night, March 23rd. Call the hotel at 918-744-5500 to book your room now. Be sure to tell them you are with PPOK!
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Saturday will feature Kyle Draper, a Social Media Specialist from Texas!
That morning, he will be teaching on Instagram 2.0: This class is all about the savvy IG user. He will bypass most of the basics and get straight to the stuff that matters! We spend 60-90 minutes exclusively talking through hashtags, Insta-Stories, Live Video and IG TV. He will also throw in some exercises so everyone can immediately put into practice exactly what they are learning! This is a great class!
That afternoon, he will be teaching on How to Sell on Social Media: When done correctly, is a game changer in your business. It’s a captive audience that needs what you have. In this class, the class will work on your personal brand, position you as an expert, and give you the tips and tricks you need to move your product directly through Facebook, Instagram, etc. During the day, you will rid yourself of all the self limiting beliefs that you currently carry with you every day on social media.
Sunday morning will be Sponsored by Bedford Camera and we will have several professional photographers doing several different hands-on demonstrations of numerous lighting techniques with various new lighting types of equipment.
Sunday afternoon, Brandon Burton will demonstrate and help you explore many new innovative types of sales techniques.