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Register for all four of these Virtual Seminars with one registration. Each seminar will require a different unique Zoom ID link and password, which will be emailed to you after you register. Each Seminar will be approximately 90 minutes with time allotted for questions and answers with the presenter. If you cannot physically attend each seminar, the video recording will be available to view at your convenience, for two weeks.
October 11th at 1:00 PM - Santa Portraits That Mean Business w/ Leslie Kitten
Learn how to market, capture clients who return faithfully, give a new experience and add value through different sets each year and create a true experience that even Dad won't want to miss!
October 11th at 4:00 PM - How To Turn Images Into Dollars w/ Gary Box
Learn an effective sales workflow, the right way to display your products, effective pricing strategies, the right things to say and how to say them and how to boost album sales. Plus truly understanding your business costs.
October 12th at 4:00 PM - The Simplicity and Elegance of the One Light Portrait w/ Tony Corbell
Learn how a number of images that are very different share only one trait - they were all created with only one light. From a commercial shoot to fashion, portrait, and editorial work, photographers who can create quality work with only one light will be able to do magic with two or three.
October 12th at 7:00 PM - Photoshop Painting for Everyday Portraits w/ Sandra Pearce
Learn how to paint with the Air Brush, understand the Mixer Brush and how it works. Also learn about the different modes you'll use for painting. You will find painting tools that you will add to your editing workflow, even for "non-painted" images.
These Virtual Zoom seminars are available to anyone at the published cost. Note that they are FREE to all current PPOK members. Also, if you are a former PPOK member and you renew your membership dues before 12 Noon on October 10th, you can then register for FREE and your renewal will be good for 15 months thru all of 2021.
If you live in Oklahoma and have never been a member of PPOK, you might consider joining the association. We offer a "First Time Member" rate of $45.00. If you go online and join before 12 Noon on October 10th, you can then register for FREE and your membership will also be good thru all of 2021. This option is only available to photographers / attendees who are located in Oklahoma.